Category: Member Meetings

Video Recording: Michel Sharritt on Website Marketing Strategy
How can you use digital marketing for lead generation and attract new customers? The design of your website directly affects how well you connect

Video Recording: Evie Burke on Overcoming Distraction
Title: How to Overcome Distraction and Gain Laser Focus You’re at your desk intending to have a great day and you suddenly find yourself

Video Recording: Stewart Nelson on Hiring Trends & Challenges
Title: 2022 Hiring Trends and Challenges During this session, Stewart Nelson, Manager at LaSalle Network, will identify data collected from more

Video Recording: Michel Sharritt on Raising Your Google Rank
Title: Ranking Your Business Higher in Google Search Using Content Marketing When your clients look for you on Google, on what page do you rank?

Video Recording: Julie Bronsteatter on Growing Mental Muscle
Title: How to grow mental muscle to thrive in challenging times We all know the importance of physical fitness, but how many of you are

Video Recording: Michel Sharritt on Hashtag Research
Title: Using Hashtag Research to Generate Content for Social Media Marketing Engaging your audience on social media can be a daunting task for

Video Recording: Valerie Fuson on Storytelling for Success
Title: Ramp Up Your Revenue with Stories – Be the Guide and Make Your Customer the Hero Stories in business are just as critical in

Video Recording: Molly Barbino on Creating a Professional Image
Title: Are You Presenting an Image of Success? Everyone has heard the adage ‘What you see is what you get.’ When people look at you, what do

Video Recording: Mary Lombardo on Pivoting to Sell
Title: How to Pivot to Sell in the New Economy If you’re like many companies, you had big sales goals for 2020 and then Covid-19

Video Recording: Ben Dooley on Finding Your Best Self
Title: How to Find Your Wow, Now! It’s not news we have to stand out from the crowd and be amazing, awesome and brilliant. But how do you do