Video Recording: Tammy Cook on Creating a Compelling Personal Brand

Are you a small business owner trying to build your following and your list? Are you ready to create a clear, compelling voice for your business, that magnetically draws ideal prospects to you? If you are struggling to find followers and build your presence, no matter the amount of marketing and outreach you do, it could simply be because this key foundational piece is missing.
This foundational piece is most often skipped over when beginning a business – crafting a compelling brand identity that connects with your target audience. Once you get this step right, you will be positioned as the go-to expert in your niche, and you will attract ideal clients with much less effort.
Recorded: June 4, 2020
About Tammy Cook:
Tammy Cook is a lively speaker who keeps audiences entertained… while providing some very effective tips in the process! Tammy is the anti-procrastination coach for creatives. Tammy helps scattered and overwhelmed multi-talented people, whom she calls “Renaissance Minds,” successfully juggle responsibilities and achieve goals by improving their focus, time management, and organizational skills.
Tammy’s professional background includes an associate’s degree in psychology, a bachelor’s degree in business administration, certification from IPEC coaching school, and a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) designation from the International Coach Federation. She served on the board of the Chicago Coach Federation for 3 years.
Tammy’s quirky humor and valuable expertise combine seamlessly to provide a lively and worthwhile presentation.